Inghetata de cirese

Deci WOW!!!
Entuziasmul meu a depasit tavanul cu 5 m … Literalmente a trebuit sa ies afara sa mananc inghetata asta ca nu mai incapeam in casa

Pentru copii ma reinventez zilnic. Imunitatea lor pentru toamna si iarna nu “o fac” toamna si iarna. O pastrez.
Zi. de. Zi.

Cu un astfel de dulce nu pun presiune pe ficat si pe rinichi. Fara zahar, fara oua, fara lapte, fara smantana, fara emulgatori ? Nu se poate!!

“Imposibil” nu e cuvant din vocabularul meu … O femeie frumoasa si puternica pe care o sustin mi-a scris la un momnent dat
“De cate ori caut un <Daa, sigur ca se poate!!!>, o sun pe Dumi si p’aci mi-e drumul.”

O sa incerc sa o descriu in cuvinte cum a iesit:
Perfect de dulce
Dupa 5 minute s-a evaporat din bol

– 150 g caju inmuiat
– 3 linguri de miere
– 1/2 lingurita de vanilie naturala (praful negru de Bourbon)
– 1/2 lingurita cacao cruda
– 2 maini de cirese
Blend si puneți la inghetat.

P.S. Paharul cu inghetata din mana mea … l-am “imprumutat” 2 minute pentru poza, cu promisiunea sa nu mananc nimic. Maine mai fac inca o portie …

———[ EN version below ]———

Wow Indeed!
My enthusiasm skyrocketed 5m above the ceiling … I literally had to step out of the house in order to enjoy this ice cream

My children are the reason I reinvent myself on a daily basis. I’m not boosting their immunity for the cold season during the cold season … I’m constantly focusing on it … Day. By. Day.

With this dessert I do not overwhelm the liver and the kidneys. It’s sugar free, dairy-free, egg-free, gluten free, flavours and preservatives free. Is this even possible ?

Well you won’t find “impossible” in my dictionary and people around me saw this. Actually one of the beautiful and strong women I coach sent me a message a while ago: “For me Dumi is the person I go to for a ‘CAN DO’ morale boost.”

– 150 g cashew – soaked overnight
– 3 Tablespoons of honey
– 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla powder
– 1/2 teaspoon of raw cacao powder
– 2 handfuls of cherries
Blend the ingredients in a high speed blender and freeze for at least 5h.

P.S. I “borrowed” the glass of ice-cream I’m holding in the photo but first I had to pinky swear not to eat any. My children got it all so tomorrow I’ll do one more batch.

Inghetata de cirese

Deci WOW!!!
Entuziasmul meu a depasit tavanul cu 5 m … Literalmente a trebuit sa ies afara sa mananc inghetata asta ca nu mai incapeam in casa

Pentru copii ma reinventez zilnic. Imunitatea lor pentru toamna si iarna nu “o fac” toamna si iarna. O pastrez.
Zi. de. Zi.

Cu un astfel de dulce nu pun presiune pe ficat si pe rinichi. Fara zahar, fara oua, fara lapte, fara smantana, fara emulgatori ? Nu se poate!!

“Imposibil” nu e cuvant din vocabularul meu … O femeie frumoasa si puternica pe care o sustin mi-a scris la un momnent dat
“De cate ori caut un <Daa, sigur ca se poate!!!>, o sun pe Dumi si p’aci mi-e drumul.”

O sa incerc sa o descriu in cuvinte cum a iesit:
Perfect de dulce
Dupa 5 minute s-a evaporat din bol

– 150 g caju inmuiat
– 3 linguri de miere
– 1/2 lingurita de vanilie naturala (praful negru de Bourbon)
– 1/2 lingurita cacao cruda
– 2 maini de cirese
Blend si puneți la inghetat.

P.S. Paharul cu inghetata din mana mea … l-am “imprumutat” 2 minute pentru poza, cu promisiunea sa nu mananc nimic. Maine mai fac inca o portie …

———[ EN version below ]———

Wow Indeed!
My enthusiasm skyrocketed 5m above the ceiling … I literally had to step out of the house in order to enjoy this ice cream

My children are the reason I reinvent myself on a daily basis. I’m not boosting their immunity for the cold season during the cold season … I’m constantly focusing on it … Day. By. Day.

With this dessert I do not overwhelm the liver and the kidneys. It’s sugar free, dairy-free, egg-free, gluten free, flavours and preservatives free. Is this even possible ?

Well you won’t find “impossible” in my dictionary and people around me saw this. Actually one of the beautiful and strong women I coach sent me a message a while ago: “For me Dumi is the person I go to for a ‘CAN DO’ morale boost.”

– 150 g cashew – soaked overnight
– 3 Tablespoons of honey
– 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla powder
– 1/2 teaspoon of raw cacao powder
– 2 handfuls of cherries
Blend the ingredients in a high speed blender and freeze for at least 5h.

P.S. I “borrowed” the glass of ice-cream I’m holding in the photo but first I had to pinky swear not to eat any. My children got it all so tomorrow I’ll do one more batch.